Urgent Payday Loans from Cash Today
An urgent payday loan can help you to cover emergency expenses and unexpected bills, with fast approval times and same-day payments into your bank account.
Don’t have time to go through the process of a long or complicated application? Need cash quickly? A Cash Today urgent payday loan could help you to get the funds you need today.
When life delivers something unexpected, and you need a cash loan that is paid quickly, our urgent payday loans could be an option to consider.

About urgent payday loans
Payday loans online are a great way to get the money you need when you need it. They allow you to borrow a certain amount of money, up to $5000 and offer fees and charges for their services as opposed to charging interest.
You can sometimes apply for a loan today, with some lenders offering fast approval times so that you can receive the money in your bank account within 24 hours. Cash Today is happy to offer same-day payments if your application is approved, as long as we receive your application before 2 pm AEST.
Will I get approved for an urgent payday loan?
To be eligible for a payday loan for unexpected expenses, you will typically need to be:
- A permanent resident of Australia and at least 18 years old.
- Able to provide identification such as an Australian driver’s license or passport.
- Meet our credit check criteria. If you have bad credit, we may still approve your application.
- Able to grant us read-only access to 90 days of bank statements via your online banking platform.
- Have proof of current residential address
The application process for payday loans is generally quite straightforward. You will need to provide details such as your name, address and proof of Australian citizenship. You will fill out an online application form that should take no more than a few minutes to complete. Once approved, you could have the money in your account within a few hours, that same evening, or the next day.
Payday loan fees and charges
Overall, online payday loans can be an excellent way to access quick and convenient funds when you are in need. When you are deciding which lender to choose, there are a few factors to consider.
Firstly, is the cash advance application process quick and easy?
Secondly, are they able to offer a loan for the amount that you require?
Finally, what are the fees and charges for taking out a payday loan, and are the repayments going to be affordable?
Make sure that you understand the total fees and charges involved with any loan, as well as any other requirements before you apply. You may also wish to consider how likely it is that you will be approved for a loan.
Ideally, we will be able to see via your online bank statements that you have regular income paid into your bank account. We would also look to see that your income exceeds your regular expenses and that repayments would be affordable. Income from paid employment is preferable, but we also consider Centrelink or other government benefits.
Having other payday loans, personal loans, or amounts owing with Afterpay or PayPal Pay in 4 could make it more difficult to approve your application.
Find out more
If you’re looking for more information on payday loans, visit our website FAQs or contact our team of experts. They’ll be able to answer any questions you have and provide further advice on the options available to you. We look forward to helping you with your financial needs!