There are 5 SECTIONS included in this form.
By continuing to the next section in this “Your Privacy and the Provision of Credit” form you will be indicating that you have carefully read and understood each section separately. You are indicating that you have given willing, informed, direct and not implied consent to the contents of each section. We invite you to give your consent to all four sections, but we emphasise, you have the right to refuse to consent to any one or more of the various sections.
Please read each Section carefully.
By consenting to this section you consent to Cash Today and other entities, as listed below, collecting, holding, using and disclosing personal identification and credit information about you. If you do not provide us with this consent we will be unable to provide you with a loan. For more detail, read the company’s Credit Information (Privacy) Management Policy available on this website or, on request, via printed copy. This policy contains detailed information concerning the company’s management and use of your information.
The Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, as amended, the Commonwealth Privacy Regulations 2013, and the Credit Reporting Privacy Code 2014 empower and regulate Cash Todayin accordance with the following.
Use of your Information – Australian Privacy Principle 6
In accordance with Sections 21G, 21H, 21J and 21 M of the Privacy Act, Cash Today collects and holds your personal identification and credit information only for the following purposes:
- to verify your identity and other information provided;
- to assess any application you make for funds;
- to assess your financial circumstances;
- to help us process your application for funds in an efficient manner;
- to avoid the chance you may default on your payment obligations;
- to notify you of a default;
- to notify other credit providers of a default;
- to facilitate the collection of overdue payments; and
- efficiently manage and administer the loans and any services we provide to you.
This information can include any information about your credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history, or credit capacity, that you, other credit providers and credit reporting bodies and their authorised agents are allowed to provide to Cash Today under the Privacy Act and/or Credit Reporting Privacy Code. It may also include information provided by referees, relatives, real estate agents and employers listed on your loan application.
By agreeing to this Section, you authorise Cash Today to contact your bank, real estate agent, landlord, payroll officer and employer (past and present), plus referees and third parties listed in the credit application/assessment form, to provide any and all permitted relevant information they may have regarding you, including tenancy or employment history and bank account and other financial details.
Cash Today may ask you for documents, including one or more of the following:
- 90 days of bank statements, to date of application;
- driver’s licence;
- Centrelink income statements;
- employment payslips;
- bills and invoices, showing current address and payment information;
- bank cards;
- passport;
- birth certificate;
- proof of age cards;
This information is only accessed, as required, by Cash Today’s employees, representatives, professional advisers, contractors and other service providers, to facilitate the above purposes. Cash Today will not sell, rent or trade your personal information.
Cash Today reasonably assumes that any referral to third parties that you may nominate, in order that Cash Today may obtain or verify your personal and other information, will have been with the agreement and knowledge of the third parties involved and that you will have made them aware of the purposes and use of such information, prior to Cash Today contacting them.
Information Disclosure to Credit Reporting Agencies
You are informed that, under Section 18(E)(1) and 8(c) of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, a funds provider and its authorised agents may disclose your credit information to credit reporting agencies for the following purposes:
- To obtain a consumer credit report about you, and/or
- To allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a credit information file, containing information about you.
Information Disclosure to Other Organisations
In accordance with Section 21D of the Privacy Act, Cash Today has chosen to continue with the lawful negative credit reporting (privacy) regime. By consenting to this section, you specifically agree that the company may provide information to Veda, a credit reporting body. This disclosure will be for the following purposes only:
- to obtain identity verification information;
- to obtain a consumer credit report about you, and/or
- to allow the credit reporting body to create or maintain a credit information file, containing information about you.
Your identity verification
Cash Today may verify your identity by attempting to match information you have provided with that held by a verification company and/or a credit reporting body. This task may involve the disclosure of your name, date of birth and address, to verify whether or not the personal identity information you have provided to Cash Today matches information held by that third party.
If we are unable to verify your identity by the above means, the company will inform you, so that you might contact the verification company or credit reporting body to update your information they hold, or you may ask Cash Today to attempt to verify your identity by alternate means.
Information disclosed to one or more credit reporting bodies
The information disclosed to the credit reporting body is limited to (if applicable):
- identity particulars – your name, sex, address (and previous two addresses), date of birth, name of employer and driver’s licence number;
- your application for funds – the fact that you have applied for funds and the amount;
- the fact that Cash Today is a current credit provider to you;
- the fact that your loan has incurred overdue account status;
- the fact that your loan has incurred default status; and
- information that, in the reasonable opinion of Cash Today, you have committed a serious credit infringement (i.e. you have been fraudulent, or indicated an unwillingness to repay your loan).
Information disclosure to other entities
Under Part 111A of the Privacy Act, Cash Today may disclose your personal information to:
- other credit providers;
- our external service providers and their agents who provide business services to us, on a confidential basis, only for the purpose of our business;
- the Credit Ombudsman Service Ltd, to which a complaint relating to a particular service we provide to you can be referred. Telephone 02 9273 8400, or; and
- any court or tribunal as may be required by law.
Cash Today may provide limited permitted information to real estate agents, employers, referees and other third party entities that you may have listed in the application/assessment form associated with your application for a loan, for identity and/or credit information verification purposes.
The names and contact details of the other credit providers with whom we have shared information, if any, will be provided on request, as they vary from time to time and for the particular consumer.
Period to which this understanding applies
The information may collected or disclosed before, during, or after the term of the provision of funds.
Information disclosure in the event of a default of your payment obligations
In the event of the creation of an overdue account and/or default of the payment conditions entered into in with Cash Today, any information you have provided may be made available to personnel employed by solicitors and/or debt collection agencies authorised by Cash Today to assist in the process of recovery of the funds advanced, plus all associated fees and charges (if any) and all relevant legal and reasonable administrative costs incurred.
Access to your personal information
You may access your personal identification and credit information and request changes where relevant. You can apply to Cash Today to obtain access to your personal information by contacting the Privacy Compliance Manager by email at, fax no. 07 30090355, P.O Box 471, Nerang. 4211. Queensland
You can also apply to access the personal information Veda holds about you. They may be contacted on telephone no. 1300 762 207, or through
Concerns and complaints
If you have any privacy management concerns during the application process and/or loan term, please contact Cash Today’s Privacy Compliance Manager. You also have a right to ask the relevant credit reporting body not to use your information for pre-screening credit offers and/or not to use your information, if you believe that you have been a victim of fraud.
Commercial credit Information
In order to assess an application for commercial funds, Cash Today may obtain a report containing information about your commercial credit activities and/or credit worthiness from a credit reporting body. To the extent that any of this information could be regarded as personal, the provisions outlined in this section, in regard to personal information, apply.
I/we hereby declare that I/we have read the above and note and accept the rights of Cash Today concerning the collection and use of my/our personal identification and credit information.
Consent of consumer/s:
Information Disclosure and Communications Under the SPAM Act 2003
You are informed that Section 16 of the Spam Act provides that Cash Today cannot communicate with you via a “commercial electronic message” (email, fax, SMS) without your consent. As you would expect, for speed and convenience, where possible and with your permission, Cash Today would prefer to communicate with you using such electronic means.
Without your permission, written communications will have to be conveyed by Australia Post.
I/we hereby declare that I/we have read, understood and noted the above and hereby provide my/our express and informed consent for Cash Today to communicate with me/us electronically, via email, fax and/or SMS as relevant, address details for which we have willingly provided for contractual and communications purposes.
Consent of consumer/s:
The Electronic Transactions Act 1999
You are informed that the Electronic Transactions Act requires that, before Cash Today can communicate with you electronically (email, fax, SMS), you also have to give permission under that Act for Cash Today to communicate with you in that way.
We seek your permission to:
- electronically format and send you the information that we are obliged to provide under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and associated Regulations;
- send you electronic messages, rather than providing paper copies.
You are informed that, in giving this permission, you are agreeing to:
- use the relevant computer programs and have sufficient internet capacity to interact with Cash Today’s system;
- regularly check your email Inbox and/or fax machine and/or SMS Inbox;
- not blame Cash Today if any properly sent electronic message does not reach you; and
- notify Cash Today of any changes to your electronic addresses, and absolve Cash Today from any liability if you fail to do so.
We remind you that you can withdraw your permission for the above at any time, provided you give Cash Today 24 hours’ notice, confirming your current address and contact details.
I/we hereby declare that I/we have read, understood and noted the above and hereby provide my/our express and informed consent for Cash Today to communicate with me/us electronically, under the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 and associated Regulations.
Consent of consumer/s:
Information Disclosure Under the Commonwealth Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Legislation
You are informed that, under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act), there are provisions for the use of credit reporting information to assist in identity verification. By consenting to this section, you attest that Cash Today has informed you of the following statutory provisions.
Under Section 35A(1), this can include the electronic provision of your name and/or address and/or date of birth, as you may have provided to us, to a credit reporting body. This information can and frequently has to be provided to credit reporting bodies by Cash Today, for a matching process entailing comparison with personal information about you they already have on their files.
If there is no satisfactory match found and/or the level of verification which we must seek, as part of both our AML/CTF responsibilities and our mandatory credit unsuitability/suitability assessment process under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and associated Regulations, is not achieved, we must give you the opportunity to verify your identity by alternative means.
In these circumstances, if you choose not to attempt to verify your identity by contacting the credit reporting body yourself, or by alternative means, or your contact with the credit reporting body is unsuccessful, or we determine that the alternative has failed to provide adequate identity verification, we cannot give you a loan. To do so would threaten our Australian Credit Licence.
Please note that we have to keep a record for 7 years, regarding which credit reporting body we contacted, the personal information we provided and the assessment with which we were supplied.
I/we hereby declare that I/we have read, understood and noted the above and hereby provide my/our express and informed consent to allow Cash Today to undertake electronic or emailed verification of my/our identity.
Consent of consumer/s:
I/we acknowledge and accept that the four sections of this document are part of a credit application and loan suitability assessment process and may also apply to the consequent loan administration and/or collection facilitation.
Acknowledgement and consent
- The Lender may use and exchange my customer data with other credit providers;
By signing or consenting to this agreement, I understand that the information the Lender may exchange with other credit providers and alternate service providers (such as credit file repair services, budgeting services and rental services) includes my application information held by the Lender, my identification details, what type of loans I have, how much I have borrowed, whether or not
I have met my loan payment obligations and if I have committed a serious credit infringement (for example, fraud).
The Lender may exchange and sell my customer data to other credit providers and alternate service providers who may use my customer data for any of the purposes for which the Lender can use it. I can request that this authority be withdrawn at any time.
- The Lender may use and exchange my customer data with third parties
Where permitted by law or for any of the purposes mention in clause 1, the Lender can exchange my Customer Data with third parties including:
- Service providers, for example credit providers, lenders, credit file repair services, budgeting services and rental services;
- The provider of the market for the sale or distribution of my customer data; ● Those to whom the Lender or any of the third parties outsources certain functions, for example direct marketing, statement production, debt recovery and information technology support;
- Government and law enforcement agencies or regulators;
- Credit reporting bodies and credit providers.
- Anti-Hawking
I understand that as a result of clauses 1 and 2 and any agreement I give in that respect, I may be offered a financial product from another lender based on their credit assessment of my application it may not be the exact same type or amount I applied for.
Use of Website
Cash Today Pty Ltd provides you access and use of this site subject to your compliance with the Terms and Conditions of Use. You agree to familiarize yourself with the terms and guidelines found throughout the Cash Today web site and abide by them if you choose to use the sites, pages or services to which they apply. You can review the most current version of these Terms at any time on this web site. If you do not agree to be bound by the site terms and applicable law each time you use this site, or you do not have the authority to agree to or accept these site terms, do not access this site, or any pages thereof. By accessing, browsing, and using this site, you agree to be bound by the site terms and all applicable law.
The site terms apply exclusively to your access to, and use of, this site and do not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with AeroAdvance.
Cash Today Pty Ltd has adopted a Privacy Statement that you should refer to in order to fully understand how we use and collect information. To learn about Cash Today Pty Ltd privacy practices, please refer to the Privacy Policy section of the site.
The information and materials contained in these pages, and the terms, conditions, and descriptions that appear, are subject to change. Unauthorized use of Cash Today Pty Ltd web sites and systems including but not limited to unauthorized entry into Cash Today Pty Ltd systems, misuse of passwords, or misuse of any information posted on a site is strictly prohibited. Not all products and services are available in all geographic areas. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to final determination by Cash Today Pty Ltd and/or its affiliates.
Copyright © Cash Today Pty Ltd, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Copyright in the pages and in the screens displaying the pages, and in the information and material therein and in their arrangement, is owned by Cash Today Pty Ltd, unless otherwise indicated.
This site may contain links to websites controlled or offered by third parties (affiliates and non-affiliates of Cash Today Pty Ltd. Cash Today Pty Ltd hereby disclaims liability for any information, materials, products, or services posted or offered at any of the third party sites linked to this web site. By creating a link to a third party web site, AeroAdvance does not endorse or recommend any products or services offered or information contained at that web site, nor is Cash Today Pty Ltd liable for any failure of products or services offered or advertised at those sites. Such third party sites may have a privacy policy different from that of Cash Today Pty Ltd and the third party website may provide less security than the site.
The information and materials contained in this site, including text, graphics, links or other items are provided “as is” and “as available”. Cash Today Pty Ltd does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information and materials, and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in this information and materials. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and freedom from computer virus, is given in conjunction with the information and materials.
In no event will Cash Today Pty Ltd be liable for any damages, including without limitation direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with this site or any linked site or use thereof or inability to use by any party, or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure, even if Cash Today Pty Ltd, or representatives thereof, are advised of the possibility of such damages, losses, or expenses.
All information submitted to Cash Today Pty Ltd via this site shall be deemed and remain the property of Cash Today Pty Ltd. Cash Today Pty Ltd shall be free to use, for any purpose, any idea, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in information a visitor provides Cash Today Pty Ltd through this site. Cash Today shall not be subject to any obligations of confidentiality regarding submitted information except as agreed by the Cash Today Pty Ltd entity having the direct customer relationship, or as otherwise specifically agreed or required by law. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as limiting or reducing Cash Today Pty Ltd ‘s responsibilities and obligations to customers.
This site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.
Use of this site shall be governed by all applicable laws of Australia.