Loan Repayment Calculator

  • Small Loans
  • Medium Loans
  • Large Loans
  • Payday Advance Loans

Small Loans

Loan amounts: $300 to $2,000

Loan term: 1-12 months

Establishment fee: 20%

Monthly fee: 4%

Interest rate: N/A

Repayment Calculator

1: Decide on the loan amount that you would like to borrow

2: Select the loan type from the available options

3: Enter the loan amount, loan term, and the best fit option for your credit rating (if requested) to determine the interest rate that you may be eligible for.

4: Click the calculate button to see the expected repayment amounts, and total loan amount.

5: If you are happy with the affordability of the repayments, you can check your eligibility for a loan, obligation free, and with no impact on your credit history. This takes less than 60 seconds.

6: If you qualify for a loan, and the loan terms suit your needs, you will then be given the option to apply for a loan.

7: Once your application is received, you’ll recieve an approval decision quickly. Once approved, same day payments are processed via instant bank transfer.